Most of my collection centers around Star Wars and Transformers but I won't go into that because I guess there are a lot of sites dedicated to Star Wars and Transformers stuff. I prefer to share some other great toys...Here are 2 of my favorites..

Kenner Jurassic Park Movie Toys
I watched this movie with my colleagues and I remember the long queues, the sold out tickets (we gotta booked our tickets in really really advance) and the screaming and yelling in the cinema. It was truly a memorable experience. The only toy I got back then was 3 Jurassic Park water squirters because at that time, I was still into model kits. I only collected the toys when JP2: The Lost World came out. Thanks to Ebay & the internet, now I have a complete collection of TN Nomura JP Dinosaurs, Japan's exclusive similar to Kenner issue. And also my favorite, the electronic T-Rex. It has roaring and stomping sound!
Collectible Interest: The original Kenner Jurassic Park T-Rex is rare to get even on Ebay, especially a mint in box item. The rest of the JP dinos and figures are quite limited too. Good luck hunting.

Trendmaster Independence Day (ID4) Movie Toys
I went to watch this movie without any expectation. Boy was I blown away with the special effects! I bacame an instant ID4 fan! But I didn't get the toys then (yeah..still into making model kits..duh!) I got a complete collection of figures and aliens (as far as the backing card shows) plus the Supreme Alien Commander (pic), the F18 Fighter Jet and the Alien Attacker Spaceship from an Australian collector. Thanks dude!
In the tradition of Trendmaster, the toys came with lots of accesories and fun features. The figures came with guns, backpack, helmets and other cool stuff. The ships came with electronic sounds, lights, pilot and alien pilot and missiles. If you like play value toys, check these out. All toys also comes with a computer mission disk.
Collectible Interest: The fighter jets and the aliens spaceships are harder to get. The figures and aliens are still quite common on eBay.
Kenner Jurassic Park Movie Toys
I watched this movie with my colleagues and I remember the long queues, the sold out tickets (we gotta booked our tickets in really really advance) and the screaming and yelling in the cinema. It was truly a memorable experience. The only toy I got back then was 3 Jurassic Park water squirters because at that time, I was still into model kits. I only collected the toys when JP2: The Lost World came out. Thanks to Ebay & the internet, now I have a complete collection of TN Nomura JP Dinosaurs, Japan's exclusive similar to Kenner issue. And also my favorite, the electronic T-Rex. It has roaring and stomping sound!
Collectible Interest: The original Kenner Jurassic Park T-Rex is rare to get even on Ebay, especially a mint in box item. The rest of the JP dinos and figures are quite limited too. Good luck hunting.
Trendmaster Independence Day (ID4) Movie Toys
I went to watch this movie without any expectation. Boy was I blown away with the special effects! I bacame an instant ID4 fan! But I didn't get the toys then (yeah..still into making model kits..duh!) I got a complete collection of figures and aliens (as far as the backing card shows) plus the Supreme Alien Commander (pic), the F18 Fighter Jet and the Alien Attacker Spaceship from an Australian collector. Thanks dude!
In the tradition of Trendmaster, the toys came with lots of accesories and fun features. The figures came with guns, backpack, helmets and other cool stuff. The ships came with electronic sounds, lights, pilot and alien pilot and missiles. If you like play value toys, check these out. All toys also comes with a computer mission disk.
Collectible Interest: The fighter jets and the aliens spaceships are harder to get. The figures and aliens are still quite common on eBay.
One regret I had about 90s toys was that I sold off the first Spawn and Violator figure (duh!) at a cheap price (double duh!). Should have kept it for memory sake. In the 90s, I was also into comics and I collected some of my favorite comics inspired figures like Vampirella and Kabuki by Clayburn Moore.
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