Lately don't have any mood to blog. Part of the reason I guess...these days you can get toy reviews from YouTube. Also I've not really been buying toys till recently with the year end sale. Anyway I would like to share my Sar Wars Lego Collection. This was prompted by my recent purchase of Star Wars Advent Calender set - which consist of 24 mini figures, ships and accesories! It has got an exclusive Yoda in Santa outfit!
I've collected Legos when they first launched the Star Wars license. Mostly I got from warehouse sale ...kekeke. My favorite was the Darth Vader Technic which I got free from a company dinner lucky draw. I've got two more free items, one is a mini Lego tie-fighter that was given to me by a mamak newstand in Midvalley. Apparently the toy was detached from the magazine it came free with. The other was the Escape Pod with C3PO and Artoo set. I also remember buying Darth Vader, Darth Maul & Luke Lego keychains when I was in HK. (They were not available here those days)..Oh yes, then there's Star Wars Lego watches, LED torch, pens ...well I got most of them at a discount. As for ships, I've got the X-Wing, Slave 1, Speeder bikes and a few others which I can't remember...and also forgotten where I put them....
I buy Lego because of Star Wars, not really because I like Legos. Checked EBay on those Star Wars Legos I have...the prices are so-so only...duh..