The Chinatown Square flea market is similar to our Amcorp mall flea market. It's just they got more toys and more varieties. However I still prefer the Clark Quay toys fleamarket when I went there almost 10 years ago...coz got more vintage stuff. According to one of the toys store owner, over 60% of the stores from Clark Quay had moved to Chinatown Square..
Wasn't really satisfied with the trip coz didn't find what I was looking for (vintage toys especially star wars and batman stuff). Bought only a few back home..Vintage G2 Hero Optimus Prime, vintage star wars landspeeder and a cute Vader plush..
Looking back this year, I didn't spend as much time and $$ on my hobby comparatively in the past. I must have been more discipline..or my room space is running out. I didn't really get those urges to buy the 'must-haves' or to 'complete my collection'. In fact I made a conscious decision to stop buying certain line of toys. Well I still wish to have a Toy Museum one day to showcase my collection...oh Singapore also have a Toy Museum...no they called it Museum of Toys which features collectible tin toys..didn't manage to go there. Maybe next time.
Happy New Year Everyone!