Mattel Movie Masters Batman Dark Knight The Joker is one elusive figure. Collectors and scalpers wallop them off the shelf as fast as a speeding bullet. I wanted to get one but didn't want to pay extra to scalpers. So I waited. My patience paid off, the next wave of figures came to Carrefour and I was there. There were 4 Joker figures in the lot. I held two in my hands. After looking at it for a long time....I put both back on the shelf. Why? To me, the figure is overpriced. At RM69.90, there's not much to shout about. Okay, it has Heath Ledger's likeness but what disappoints me is the lack of accesories. Just a card, an evidence bag and a knife???!!!
Compared this with NECA Conan figure, also selling at RM69.90 but it comes with diorama base, cool paint job, swords, good sculpting of Arnie's likeness and other movie accurate accesories etc. I checked Ebay USA, found that the Joker figure are selling at around USD9.99 to USD11.99 (Buy it Now).
Then I saw the two MM Joker figures again at Kepong Carrefour. Again I pass.
Though I didn't buy, my heart is pretty tempted. My friend who just came back from Hong Kong told me that this figure was totally sold out there and the price had gone up to RM200++.
Finally I saw in the news, The Dark Knight movie pass USD500 million mark. Okay, if I see the figure again, I will buy. Went to Carrefour another time, there was one last Joker figure. I bought it. Not very satisfied because I still feel its overpriced. So why did I buy? Maybe its Heath Ledger, his performance is spot on...or maybe is the last figure on the shelf...or maybe the movie is a blockbusters so this figure will command a high price in future...(though I know very well I am not selling it). Why did I buy? .........I wish I know....